Blog Archives

Downsort Revamp

I will be changing the internal logic of the application and how it handles downloaded files in-order to improve the performance and usability if this application. The settings window will remain the same so you will not have to re-learn

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New Dev Build

I have uploaded a new Dev Build which has fixes for some of the issues reported on the utorrent forums and the comments on this site. Please note – this is a dev build, so please backup your current downsort.exe if

Posted in Development Builds

New Build: Version 1.1.4957

New version of DownSort has been released. With this new build most of the outstanding bugs have been fixed – possibly new ones created, but time will tell. In any case this should be better than the last build. Changelog:

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New Build: Version 1.1.4922

This new build has some new features such as the ability to move movies into a separate folder, and disable the creation of a log file. Please note: For the “Move Movies” feature to you the machine running DownSort will

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Dev Build

Sorry about the delay in this one – I have been fairly busy with work commitments which is why it has taken a while to get the dev build out. This build includes some of the requested features such as,

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New Features: Movie Organization

I will be adding a feature to Downsort that will allow it to place movies in a given directory once it is complete. Same as the TV shows you would point to the desired directory and all movies will be

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New Build: Recursive Extraction

DownSort has been updated with a new build – I have included the ability to recursively search and extract through folders in the downloaded folder. This is handy if you are downloading season packs with multiple episodes contained within the downloaded

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Fixed: Extracting to different path

There was an issue with extracting to a different folder once downloads were complete. I have updated the application to resolve issues with extracting do different locations. To update the client download the new build of Downsort and replace your

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New Feature: Do not remove anything

A new build of downsort has been released and can be downloaded from the main site. This build includes a new feature which does not remove any files have have been downloaded regardless of exclusion rules. Changelog: Feature: Do not

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Usage and Bugs

I have added a usage page to help new users configure and use the application, I have also included an area to log bugs and request features

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